EMERGENCY?   24/7   Upstate SC: (864) 834-4078  •  Midlands SC: (803) 805-0081 •  Western NC: (828) 688-0323

EMERGENCY?   24/7 
Upstate SC: (864) 834-4078
Midlands SC: (803) 805-0081
Western NC: (828) 688-0323

South Carolina's

Commercial Refrigeration SPecialists

We install, maintain, and repair HVAC systems and commercial refrigeration equipment and hotside cooking equipment
—quickly, reliably, and consistently.

Upstate South Carolina's

Commercial Refrigeration SPecialists

We install, maintain, and repair HVAC systems and commercial refrigeration and hot-side equipment—quickly, reliably, and consistently.

Just a few of the amazing clients
we’re proud to partner with

Service &




Refrigeration Heroes saves the day for commercial, agricultural, hospitality, and industrial businesses—namely their overwhelmed owners, operators, and managers.

Our ideal customers are looking for quality repairs and a service company they trust. For these customers, time is money—and they can’t afford a delay.

At Refrigeration Heroes, we go above and beyond to care for our customers, so they can care for theirs.

Do you have what it takes to be a hero?

What Our CUstomers Are Saying